Even though it might not seem like it when you’re waddling and uncomfortable, those 9 months of pregnancy will fly by faster than you think. So if you want to commemorate the milestones and precious moments before you get to meet your sweet little baby, Corey Dunn from Domestic360, (a lifestyle blog focused on creative living), shares these 3 crafts to make during your pregnancy.
Here are 3 ideas for crafts to make during your pregnancy:
Write it down.
Put pen to paper and write some love letters to your little one. Once a month, take out your most beautiful stationery and attach a photo of the corresponding month’s belly growth. “Include funny stories, food cravings, crazy mood swings stories, and stats from the doctor visits,” says Dunn.
Take some photos.
Whether you have a hankering for hamburgers or a passion for pizza during your pregnancy, take pics of some of your most crazy food cravings! Create a cool and hilarious hashtag like #BabyClairemademeeatit, then post your pics on Instagram for all your family, friends, and followers to see! Later, print the photos and make them into a photo album especially for Baby.
Wrap it up with ribbon.
It’s always amazing to see just how big your belly can get during pregnancy. And while you might swear you’ll never forget your big ol’ belly, chances are you’ll never remember quite how beautiful it was as time goes by. So measure your stomach with a piece of ribbon every month, and then preserve the ribbons in a scrap book as a visual reminder of your pregnancy—and the time when you and your baby were as close as can be.