When you’re a kid, there’s basic information that you know about Santa Claus. Like, for example, he lives in the North Pole, he has a bunch of jolly elves working for him, and he’s crazy about cookies. Oh, and there’s also the fact that Mr. Claus has a missus, too. But not a lot is known about Mrs. Claus. So if you’re wondering how old is Mrs. Claus, just know that a lady never reveals her age.
Although Mr. C. is the protagonist of the holiday season, he couldn’t do it without his wife. She is often known for making cookies with the elves, tending to the reindeer (Rudolph requires extra attention), and helping to prepare toys with her hard-working husband. And in a very, very traditional sense, she also cares for Santa Claus, too.
But does Mrs. Claus have a first name? Well, it’s hard to say. Most often, she’s simply known as Mrs. Claus, and doesn’t technically have a first name. While some people refer to her as Mother Christmas, she is sometimes known as Mary, Jessica, or even Holly. It sounds like only Santa Claus knows for sure what his wife’s real name is.
So can you imagine how hard it must be to determine how old is Mrs. Claus if we don’t definitively even know her first name? It might be best to start with her husband, jolly ol’ St. Nick, as a starting point. As of 2021, Santa Claus is 1,750 years-old. Yes, it’s a staggering number, but when you consider that Santa’s humble beginnings trace back to a monk named Saint Nicholas (who was born between 260 and 280 A.D.), it makes sense. So how old is Mrs. Claus? While she isn’t one to give interviews on her age, it’s estimated that Mrs. Claus is younger than her husband, albeit not by much. In fact, Email Santa reports that Mrs. Claus is 1,139 years-old.
Although Mr. and Mrs. Claus definitely appear to be in the grandparent age range, you might not have ever imagined that they’re older than a millennium. Still, it’s heartwarming to see seniors who are so spry, especially two who are almost entirely responsible for helping to create magical Christmases for all the good little boys and girls in the world year after year. And as for Mrs. Claus who is as active as ever, all we can say is, sleigh, Mrs. C., sleigh.