There’s only one golden rule when it comes to Elf on the Shelf and it’s fairly simple: Under no circumstances should your ever Elf be touched by human hands. If that inadvertently occurs, the consequences are pretty severe. The Elf’s magic will instantly be gone, and subsequently, Santa Claus won’t know if your kid has been naughty or nice. Thing is, your child might still want to bring their Elf while you’re out and about running all of those incessant holiday errands. That can happen, thanks to the Elf on the Shelf Scout Elf Carrier, which keeps the magic alive while you’re on the move.
As far as design goes, the Elf on the Shelf Scout Carrier is pretty basic. It’s a clear plastic tube that your Elf can sit in. A red topper and yellow handle allow you to carry the Elf around. Plus, a safety latch ensures that your Elf won’t be able to make an escape. Two door signs (“Permission to Travel” and “Elf Resting — Do Not Disturb) lets your child know if their Elf is up for some shenanigans or is tuckered out from too much traveling.
So the big question is: If you’re not allowed to touch the Elf, how the heck are they going to get into their carrier? The instructions advise parents to leave the door open and their Elf on the Shelf will hop inside (when your kids aren’t in the room, of course). Corralling your kid into another room might not be easy, but it beats having to explain why you manhandled their Elf into the carrying case. When your child returns, they’ll be sweetly surprised to see that their Elf is already ready to go!
While taking your Elf with you is one way to sleigh the holidays, you definitely should dissuade your child from taking them to school. Kids can be, well, kids, and the chances of your child’s Elf landing on the lunchroom floor are pretty high. So reserve outings for special occasions so that it can continue being the most wonderful time of the year — for everyone.
So if your kid is clamoring to bring their Elf to the holiday parade or to see Mr. C. at the mall, it’s possible, thanks to the Scout Elf Carrier. That way, you won’t have to leave your Elf home alone (because we all know how that ended up for Kevin McCallister.) But be sure to bring your Elf back at soon as possible, because being ho-ho-home for the holidays is the most magical part of the season.
Merry Elfin Christmas, Grinches.