Why Does Your Belly Button Pop Out During Pregnancy?

Sharing the news that you’re expecting is certainly exciting, but nothing beats seeing your bump begin to get bigger. That said, your belly might not be the only body part that’s pretty prominent, though — your navel might make its presence known, too. Although it’s common for your umbilicus to poke out at some point while you’re pregnant, it can still be a mystery as to why your belly button pops out during pregnancy.


Why (And When) Does Your Belly Button Pop Out During Pregnancy?

As your baby grows, so does your belly. And since Baby is making themselves comfy and cozy in their digs (i.e. your uterus), they’re going to need as much room as possible. All that pressure puts a strain on your stomach to expand and it can cause your belly button to appear. “Around week 20, the uterus will be at the level of the belly button,” explains Dr. Vonne Jones, M.D., a board-certified OB-GYN. “The abdomen starts to project forward at that time, and that’s when you’re more likely to see your belly button pop out.”


Do All Belly Buttons Pop Out?

From stretch marks to swollen feet, no two pregnancies are the same. So there’s really no way to know if your belly button might start sticking out. One potential way to predict if it will start to stick out is the kind of belly button you had prior to pregnancy. “Typically, if you have a belly button that projects inward, even with the stretching of the abdomen, it probably won’t project outward,” explains Jones. That’s not to say that an innie won’t become an outie, but the chances are more unlikely.


Should You Try To Push Your Belly Button In During Pregnancy?

Sure, you might love the look of your belly button. But your toddler poking it and pretending that it’s a doorbell? Not so much. But if you’re thinking about trying to push it back in, think again. Just as your stomach can become sensitive when you’re expecting, your belly button becomes even more tender to the touch. And not only won’t it work, but doing so might further irritate the area, causing overall discomfort.


Could A Belly Button Be A Sign Of An Umbilical Hernia?

A notable belly button is often attributed to the natural progression of your pregnancy. Thing is, there might be an underlying issue that’s causing it to occur, often in the form of an umbilical hernia. A uncommon occurrence, an umbilical hernia happens when your abdominal muscles are stretched out, and a part of your intestine pushes through the umbilical ring, according to Johns Hopkins Medicine. “It is a weak area,” agrees Jones. “So whenever the abdomen stretches, the hernia formation can occur.”

Now, what are your chances of having an umbilical hernia? It’s not too likely, since about 0.08% of women develop an umbilical hernia while pregnant, according to a study. “Patients who have had multiple pregnancies are going to be at higher risk,” adds Jones.


Will Your Belly Button Go Back In After You Give Birth?

The short answer is yes, but it might take some time. “After delivery, the abdomen will start to shrink back down to its normal size,” says Jones. “The uterus and other areas, like your belly button, will go back to where they were before.” Expect to see your belly button slowly return to its natural innie shape, or for your outie to not be so, you know, outstanding.

Whether you have a belly that has an amazing outie or an adorably introverted innie, it doesn’t really matter. Your belly will be beautiful no matter what your belly button decides to do, and once your pregnancy is over, you’ll have something that’s cuter than a button — your baby.

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