By their very nature, mornings are manic. You’re trying to not only get your kids fed, dressed, ready and out the door, but you also need to put pants on, too. For the times when it feels like your a.m.’s are about to implode, try these sanity-saving tips.
Keep your cool.
Some mornings are smooth. Others…not so much. So while it’s frustrating when your kids bicker over who has more OJ, the dog is whimpering to go out (again), or you burn breakfast because you’re busy checking your phone, take a moment to decompress. Go outside and breathe in the fresh morning air and you’ll regain your composure—and score a more positive a.m. outlook.
Delegate duties.
Is your to-do list totally full, and it’s only 7:30 am? Call in reinforcement—assign your hubby to schedule the plumber’s visit, and ask the babysitter to come a few minutes earlier to drop the kids off at school. Then, savor a mocha caramel latte before heading into work so you can make your meeting.
Be realistic.
Sure, you’d like your children to eat a healthy breakfast that incorporates all the food groups. But sometimes, a powdered doughnut will just have to do. Instead of feeling guilty, applaud your best working mother efforts, laugh at the craziness that is mornings with kids and vow to try again tomorrow.