Kids lose their clothing. All the time. So having a name tag on a shirt, or say, a pair of shorts, means that your child’s clothing can make it back to its rightful owner. But what if clothing has had multiple owners? L.L. Bean’s Hand-Me-Down Trail Tag, which ensures that handed-down clothing will always make it back to your child.
Usually, when you get some hand-me-down clothing, the previous child’s name is written on the back of the collar or pants. So what happens when the OG owner outgrows their duds and they get passed on to a younger sibling, cousin, or friend? Well, up until know, parents would try to erase the name with permanent marker and write in their own child’s name, but that approach often winds up creating a big black bob of ink on the back. Definitely not stylish.
That’s why L.L. Bean’s Hand-Me-Down Trail Tag is kind of brilliant. The tag, which is sewn into the clothing, features spaces for three kids’ names, which which would ideally be the original owner, plus two recipients of the article of clothing — if it’s still wearable, that is. And because it’s L.L. Bean, the tag looks like a real nature trail, complete with trees, mountains, a lake, and a compass.
The Hand-Me-Down Trail tag is an awesome way to assign new ownership of clothing to your child. If they’re able to write their own name (in permanent ink, no less!), you should let them do so. Plus, it prevents your kids from losing their stuff yet again. And it also keeps more clothing out of landfills — and filling kids with joy at getting some new-to-them outfits.
And as L.L. Bean points out, the “fun hand-me-down tag tracks the journey from one adventurer to the next.” So now kids can feel cool in their hand-me-down gear, as they run, jump, and be creative in clothing that can get a second (or third) life.