Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and visions of stuffing and cranberries are swirling in our heads. So, it got us to thinking: What are the celebrities doing for Thanksgiving? We spoke with some of our celeb friends to see what their big plans are for Turkey Day. Here’s what they had to say:
“I am having a big celebration with my best friend Tasha Smith, her family, and mine.”
Rodney Peete and Holly Robinson Peete (co-host of The Talk):
“This year we will be together as whole family like we have traditionally celebrated our Thanksgiving holidays in the past. Holly and I have our four children spend time to really think about being thankful and write out what they are thankful for and why. Our family, extended family, and close friends will all be getting together at our home to give thanks. It is one of the few holidays that we truly keep traditions alive. Holly’s mom will cook her famous macaroni and cheese, my mom will bake her amazing sweet potato pie, and Holly will cook the delicious turkey — because one year I burned it. We will all make sure that we are together on this day and enjoy it.”
Judge Lynn Toler of Divorce Court:
“For Thanksgiving, I am going to do what I have done every Thanksgiving for the past four years since I have moved to Arizona. My oldest stepsons and their families will come. I will cook. And then after dinner I go outside and call up all my friends and family on the East Coast and tell them that I am sitting outside in shorts and sandals!”
Kenneth Nixon, front man for rock band Framing Hanley:
“This will be the first Thanksgiving I get to spend at home in the past three years, as we are usually on tour. I couldn’t have asked for a better year either with this being the first Thanksgiving of my son’s life. I never really understood the definition of ‘thankful’ until that lil’ man came into mine and my fiancée’s life.”