Turkey On The Table Is An Adorable Ode To Gratitude

When it comes time for Thanksgiving dinner, there’s only one main attraction — and that’s the turkey. Well, now your beautifully basted bird can move over, because there’s another turkey in town. That’s right, the Turkey on the Table is an adorable ode to gratitude.

Serving turkey at your Thanksgiving soiree is one of the best parts of the holiday. But if you’re looking to make your meal more meaningful, you should put the Turkey on the Table — literally. The Turkey on the Table ($40) is a cute little stuffed bird (read: non edible) that can help remind you of all the people and things in your life to be grateful for.

The kit comes complete with a knitted turkey and 13 double-sided customizable feathers and a marker. Each feather is meant to represent something that your family is grateful for. You can either give your kids feathers to fill out ahead of time, or leave them blank for guests and relatives who are coming over for dinner to fill out as well. Then, when everyone is eating dinner, you can pluck a feather and find out what everyone is grateful for. Grandma and Grandpa will definitely love hearing that their grandkids are thankful for being together again.

And here’s another reason to be grateful: Turkey on the Table has partnered up with Feeding America, an organization that fights against hunger in the U.S. That means that every purchase of Turkey on the Table provides 10 meals for people in need. So as you celebrate your Thanksgiving meal with your loved ones, you can feel good knowing that you’ve been able to help others do the same.

When the meal is over, you can always snuggle in bed with your kiddos and read the sweet book that comes with the kit. It can help be a reminder that it’s not just the foods that we eat, but the fact that we are able to gather with our loved ones that is the most meaningful part of Thanksgiving. So you can take out your Turkey on the Table each and every Thanksgiving (you can even buy additional feathers so that you never, ever run out of room for gratitude.) And for that, we should all be grateful.


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