As you enjoy decorating your baby’s nursery, spend some time getting your workplace ducks in a row. Advance planning means your maternity leave will have fewer disruptive emails and calls from colleagues looking for that blue folder. These tips can help you get ready for maternity leave without missing a beat, either at home or at work.
Work Ahead
When you’re seven months along, start tying up loose ends and organizing as thorgh you were leaving tomorrow. Then, if you deliver early or are put on bed rest, no one (including you) is caught off guard.
Prepare To Pass The Baton
Will your fill-in be able to access files? Clean up your desk and leave behind only what’s helpful to get the job done. Create a schedule of tasks and directives. If complicated, explain how to manage assignments so a sub can step in seamlessly.
Discuss Your Return
Review flexible work options with your manager and HR department before you go on leave. Will telecommuting some days be an option? Can you phase back gradually, working frwer days or hours at first? A gradual return could support longer breastfeeding and more baby bonding.