This Is When Your Child Will Want You — Especially When You’re Trying To Pee

It doesn’t really matter why you need your child’s attention. It could be because you’re asking them what they want for dinner, or if they’ve done their homework. More than likely, though, calling your kiddo’s name is going to be met with deafening silence. Switch up the script, though, and if you’re suddenly unavailable (even for a few seconds), your child will not think twice about calling and/or screaming your name a good 20 times or so until you answer. Sound familiar? Check out these mundane moments when your child will want you and what you can do so you can pee in peace.


When You Eat Something

It doesn’t even really matter what you’re munching on. Chances are, if you’re eating anything at all, your child will suddenly need a snack, too. It’s hard to turn down your child’s request for a glass of milk but remind them to respect the fact that you’re eating and to ask for that apple ahead of time.


When You Sit Down

You’ve been on your feet all day and you’re beyond tired. That’s why sinking into the couch right about now sounds delicious. But before your butt has even reached the seat, your child wants you to help them look for their lovey. Let them know you’ll help them find their plushie in a few minutes and set a timer so that your child can keep an eye on the clock (and maybe learn a bit of patience, too).


When You Go To The Bathroom

There is no parent on the planet who hasn’t experienced a tyrannical toddler trying to bust through the bathroom door. It’s usually nothing urgent, but to your child, changing the channel because they’ve already seen that Peppa Pig definitely is. When trying to pooping in peace becomes problematic, remind your child that everyone needs enough time in the bathroom to do their business. And unless there’s an actual emergency, your kid will have to wait (which means they’ll probably be sitting right outside the door until you’re done).


When You Get Dressed

When your child was a baby, getting naked in front of your newborn wasn’t an issue. (After all, they’ve seen your boobs more than your partner has.) Once a child reaches a certain age, though, you might need some privacy while you’re putting on your pants. If you close the door to just get your undies on, chances are your kid will need you that very second to wipe their butt. Tell them to wait a minute so you can slip on a shirt. Otherwise, it’s going to be a crappy situation for both of you.


When You Try To Sleep

As much as you love your child, you might feel extra warm fuzzies when your little one finally falls asleep. But how dare you try to even get some zzz’s even if they’re snoozing? Don’t be surprised to see a little face staring right into your soul and ask for a glass of water or to snuggle in your bed. It might not be an issue if it happens once in a while, but if it becomes a pattern, speak with your child and explain how everyone (especially parents) need their eight hours, too.


When You Say You Need A Minute

Even on the good days when your child acts like an angel, a few minutes alone can be soul restoring. (Chilli Heeler knows exactly what we’re talking about.) Let your kid know that while you love them dearly, everyone needs time to relax by themselves — kids included. Show them on the clock when you’ll be available again and stick to it.


When You Talk To Your Partner

Think about it. Have you ever tried to dish into the details of the day with your significant other only to have a kid start talking over you? Ignore them and the loudness level will only increase. Let your child know that they have to wait their turn to talk, which may or may not work right away. But hey, at least you tried.


When You Watch TV

You let it slip and clued your kid in on how excited you are to watch episode 7 of Squid Game 2 after they go to sleep. Trust and believe that your kiddo will creep out of bed 10 minutes before the episode ends to let you know that there’s a monster under their bed. Finding out what happens to Seong Gi-hun will have to wait until you’ve made sure that your child’s room is monster-free.


When You’re On The Phone

Whether it’s talking to your child’s teacher during a virtual P/T conference, or calling your BFF, the simple act of being on the phone might be bothersome to your babe. It’s usually because they want to share some super important info — like your dog leaving a “gift” on the carpet. Making maniacal movements (like flailing your arms or making a shushing motion) means nothing to them. Unfortunately, this isn’t something most kids grow out of; this can easily go into adulthood. Consider yourself warned.

It’s sweet that your child will want you. What parent doesn’t want to feel needed? Thing is, those incessant interruptions can get irritating when you’re trying to get something done. Talk to your kids when the disruptions are very distracting and consider setting boundaries to minimize them. That way, your child understands that you do love and want to help them — after you’ve had a much-needed moment to yourself.

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