By now, we’re a few weeks into the New Year. And all those high hopes you might have had for an amazing new year (and decade!) might slowly be starting to fade away as old habits and routines threaten to steer you off of your astrological course. So there’s no time like the present to figure out how to make the most of 2020 so that it’s an awesome year — and decade.
Fresh starts and focus are what 2020 will be all about. “2020 is the number for hindsight,” says Jaya Jaya Myra, an astrologer and wellness expert. “So it makes sense that it’s going to be a great year for having more self-awareness.” As a number itself, 20/20 is often referred to in terms of vision and purpose, and that’s exactly what you can expect this year. “In addition to that, 22 adds up to 4, which is the number for hard work and responsibility,” says Myra. “The number 22 is a master number, which means that you can accomplish a lot.”
But it’s not a matter of working hard; it’s all about working smart and aligning with your purpose. “People have to get introspective about what they want to create and do. It’s not about putting energy into something that won’t be beneficial in the long run.” That’s why you need to be super conscious of where your energy goes and see if it’s really worth your time. After all, you can easily become sidetracked if you’re unsure of your purpose.
That’s why you should take some time to figure out what you’d like to accomplish not just this year, but in the future, too. “It’s important to know where you’re going so that you can set the stage for not just the new year, but this decade, too,” says Myra. “Whatever you put your work and energy into will bear fruit.” And that can be both good or bad, depending on where you focus to channel your energies.
Overall, 2020 is slated to be a sensational year for all astrological signs, especially for those who understand the importance of this year. “2020 will be a good year for people who work hard, who set goals, and who are connected to level of conscious meditation and mindfulness,” says Myra. “It will give you the clarity you need to understand where you need to put the work and effort in.”
So even if 2020 has been a bit bumpy to start, don’t assume that it’s meant to stay that way. Connect to your heart and set some intentions that will positively propel you forward. And soon, the stars will align for you in a way you could have only imagined.